DATE: 10th of September 2014


The idea of this financial control comes of the aim to adopt the famous “Financial Fair Play UEFA” in Spain. It is born to create a due diligence handling the football clubs by their executives. Creating the need to an economic viability and in this way they can be economically viable. Most of their methods to manage the clubs were not the most appropriate. Even though we can find a great number of teams in bankruptcy.

The keys of this Economic Control appear in the ‘Economic Control of the Clubs and Sports Companies affiliated to La Liga Regulation’.

First of all, it should be noted that this Regulation is based on the Sport Law 10/1990, 15th October. In its article 41.4.b) grants LFP exclusive jurisdiction about the protection functions, control and financial supervision for the associates of the LFP, as it is explicitly written in the preamble to that regulation.

The articles 12 and following deal about the documentation duty on the economic area. The football clubs should submit the required documents by these dispositions to the Committee of Control of the LFP. The documents shall be drawn up between the 15th and the 31st of March of each financial year. Among those documents are: the list of debts transfer activities and acquisition of players, list of debts and loans to employees, listing debts to government (and the certificates issued by them), calculation of the break-even, among others…

Another point in the Regulation is referred to economic-financial requirements that on 31st of December the teams ought to comply. The first of them, it should not have outstanding debts (arts. 16 to 18) in relation to any transfer with other club of any league or federation. Secondly, it should not exist debts with the employees. And finally it shall be prove that there are not outstanding debts with the public administration (Social Security or Tax Agency). In the “Annex II” of the Regulation delimits the concept “outstanding debts”, these debts will be “payable and required amount”.

Another important aspect of this Regulation appears in the articles 20 and following, it makes reference to indicators of possible future financial situation of economic imbalance. This is the break-even requirement and it is exactly the same as the UEFA Regulations on Financial Fair Play. This break-even is established by the difference between ‘relevant incomes’ and ‘relevant expenditures’. The Regulation allows an acceptable deviation of 5m€ in the First Division and 2m€ in the Second Division. This amount could be exceeded until 45m€ (this season) it is covered by shareholders or related parties. And the amount could exceed in 30m€ until the season 2017/18.
Another indication of possible future financial situation of economic imbalance occurs when the amount of the annual economic costs associated with the first team (for all concepts, players and coaches) exceeds 70% of the relevant income. Which means that clubs and SADs, cannot allocate more than 70% of their income to the cost of the first team (Pedro Leon case, discussed below).

And finally, it must also comply with a ratio of net debt at 30th of June in relation to the relevant income if the net debt exceeds 100% of the relevant income of the season in question. It is important, in relation to these indicators represent how much "expenditures", "as" relevant income "and" net debt ". These definitions appear in the Annexes to the Regulation.

How could it be otherwise, and all the dispositions with the vocation of penalize, there is a disciplinary regime to apply when some football club breach the previous commitments. This Regulation does not specify bans for these breaches and refers to the LFP Statutes, more specifically to the art. 78.bis. The same article 78.bis provides that violations of economic control may be classified as very serious, serious or minor. We are going to talk only about the very serious for reasons of space and interest in the theme of the post (Pedro León case).

The rule regards as very serious offenses: altering or include incorrect information on the documents required by the Control Committee or the Head of Department of Economic Control, in order to verify the obligations laid down in Articles 12 to 18, 20 and 22 to 24 of the Economic Control Regulation. Another is the breach to pay debts that are laid down in Articles 16 to 18 of Regulation and the breach of the break-even in a percentage higher than 1% (Article 20). Nothing says about the breach of the ‘70% rule’ of relevant revenues destined for the first team or 100% of relevant incomes that exceed the net debt.

The ban that this article stipulates to such breaches is a fine between 10.000 and 300.506’05 euros in the case to failure the documentation duty and secondly can be added the prohibition of registration of players during a season of any entity that fails on its obligations listed above.

Once explained the functioning of the Economic Control of the LFP, we should mention the case has brought up this post: the case of the license of Pedro Leon.

Pedro Leon, who has seen how the LFP has forbidden his right to play football as a result of a breach of the 70% rule by Getafe FC, which sets maximum spending in the first team at 17 million euros. He has been deprived of his right to practice their profession effectively considering such a situation, a substantial change in working conditions (article. 41 Workers’ Statute). And this has been upholding the Supreme Court in its judgment of 28th of April of 2010 (2492/2010 STS –Aquino Case-). The legal support to this point is found in Article 4.2.a) of the Workers' Statute, where is recognized the right to the effective occupation and more specifically in Article 7.4 of the RD 1006/85, which states that "professional athletes are entitled to the effective occupation, being impossible, except in suspension or injury, be excluded from training and other preparatory activities for the exercise of the sport". This is understood, by analogy, that it is applied to the competition, and this is the reason due to an athlete trains or perform other preparatory or instrumental activities to be in a good physical condition to carry out his job. Not being a technical decision, but being a legal impossibility for the exercise of his profession. Attempting to his right to train, dignity and professional future due to the specificity of sport. Which provides the unilateral termination of the contract for just cause by Pedro Leon and a compensation for the damages caused to the worker.

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